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Our Family are all about making MTK's Respite adventures your favourite thing to do

The family behind MTK Respite adventures wants everyone of all abilities to enjoy their break away from their everyday life and get out and have some fun, while their carers are enjoying their much needed and well deserved rest.

Tracey Johnson of My Registered Nurse has been caring for people in the public health system since 2000 - providing exceptional Registered Nursing and Midwifery care to enrich the quality of health and happiness of all the families she meets. 

For the past 4 years Tracey has privately cared for clients in the community from newborns to our most wise and precious elderly, and everyone in between of all abilities.


It is now time for My Registered Nurse to branch out and offer a safe space for people to experience an exciting break from their everyday life while meeting their goals. To experience choice and control in developing their own respite opportunities.  We offer our visitors an opportunity to create and design their own unique experiences through our wide range of recreational, educational and leadership activities, from camping overnight to day trips, theme parks, boating and fishing, and in the future farming and wildlife care. We also cater for the creative artists and peace seekers, much like myself. 

Our guests will experience all the fun things life has on offer and learn valuable skills along the way. MTK provides a safe space for everyone to find themselves and create and explore their favourite way to spend their respite from the everyday.


We believe in empowering everyone from an early age to see how brilliant they are and to see themselves as we see them; magical and fun, in a safe environment.

So if you would like our family to take care of your family please call
Mick on 0478 156 456 or
Tracey on 0412 519 640

About Us

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